Have you ever thought about what your food has been through before it arrives in your kitchen? From the farmer to the stock person at the store, our food gets handled by a minimum of 5-10 people before we ever purchase it.
Each person who handles our food imbues it with their thoughts and whatever mood they happen to be in during that day.
This means you, as the end consumer, end up processing all that extra baggage when you eat it.
The Clearing Cut Board relieves you of that burden by removing negative, dense energies from your food and infusing it with high vibrational healing frequencies as you prepare it.
Each Clearing Cut Board is crafted according to the Golden Ratio and utilizes a Tensor Ring in order to shift the energies your food has taken on prior to it's arrival in your kitchen.To learn more about the Tensor Ring, or the Golden Ratio, check out the videos below.
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